The one page business plan
prowadzenie: Paul Bogen
prowadzenie: Paul Bogen
16.05.2014 (piątek)
godz. 10:30-14:00/14:30
udział w warsztatach bezpłatny
ilość miejsc ograniczona - obowiązuje wcześniejsza rejestracja (decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń)
UWAGA: warsztat prowadzony w języku angielskim - organizator nie zapewnia tłumaczenia
The basics of how to write a business plan. This very practical and easy to follow workhop will cover what and who a business plan is for, what it must contain, how to start and how to write it all on one page! Areas that will be covered include marketing, finance, HR/People and implementation. No previous knowledge or experience of business planning is required.
słowa kluczowe/keywords: business plan
godz. 10:30-14:00/14:30
udział w warsztatach bezpłatny
ilość miejsc ograniczona - obowiązuje wcześniejsza rejestracja (decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń)
UWAGA: warsztat prowadzony w języku angielskim - organizator nie zapewnia tłumaczenia
The basics of how to write a business plan. This very practical and easy to follow workhop will cover what and who a business plan is for, what it must contain, how to start and how to write it all on one page! Areas that will be covered include marketing, finance, HR/People and implementation. No previous knowledge or experience of business planning is required.
słowa kluczowe/keywords: business plan
Paul Bogen
With over thirty years experience working in the sector, Paul is now a freelance arts and culture project manager, consultant, fund-raiser and trainer, working for a wide range of public and private clients across Europe. He is also a co-director of Olivearte Cultural Agency with Sandy Fitzgerald.
Currently Paul is managing Engine Room Europe a three-year, EC financed project, with 12 partners and a €2 million budget; a European project to research, benchmark and develop new Arts sector Business Models and a development programme for those working in the independent cultural sector in Kosice, Slovakia. Paul is the financial manager for NIE Theatre Company (UK) and teaches arts management at Mary’s University, London. Paul’s past work includes developing a new culture centre in Helsinki, writing city and regional culture and creative economy strategies, producing a festival with 250 artists on a ferry in Copenhagen, delivering a three-year culture business, capacity building programme in St. Petersburg, developing culture tourism for a residential arts centre in Italy and tutoring on an Audience Development project in Poland.
Paul was President of Trans Europe Halles (European network of independent cultural centres) from 1999-2007, an assessor for the European Commission Culture Programme 2007-13, has been a board member of six arts and culture organisations and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. After studying film and theatre at University, Paul started his professional career as a comedy actor and part-time DJ. Realising he could not act (and was not that funny), he quickly moved into theatre management and finance.
After managing two theatre companies, a Polish theatre company (while living in Poland under martial law), a London Theatre and then producing commercial shows in London’s ‘West End’ theatre, in 1989 Paul became the director of The Junction in Cambridge, the first purpose-built arts centre focused on youth culture in the UK. Paul opened the Junction, developed its multidisciplinary music, theatre, dance, new media and education programmes, produced three international festivals, the world’s first digital mural and built a new, €10 million theatre in 2005.
Paul lives in Cambridge, drives a 45-year-old Morris Minor car, has no hobbies but still sometimes DJ’s!
warsztat polecany przez: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki
Paul Bogen
With over thirty years experience working in the sector, Paul is now a freelance arts and culture project manager, consultant, fund-raiser and trainer, working for a wide range of public and private clients across Europe. He is also a co-director of Olivearte Cultural Agency with Sandy Fitzgerald.
Currently Paul is managing Engine Room Europe a three-year, EC financed project, with 12 partners and a €2 million budget; a European project to research, benchmark and develop new Arts sector Business Models and a development programme for those working in the independent cultural sector in Kosice, Slovakia. Paul is the financial manager for NIE Theatre Company (UK) and teaches arts management at Mary’s University, London. Paul’s past work includes developing a new culture centre in Helsinki, writing city and regional culture and creative economy strategies, producing a festival with 250 artists on a ferry in Copenhagen, delivering a three-year culture business, capacity building programme in St. Petersburg, developing culture tourism for a residential arts centre in Italy and tutoring on an Audience Development project in Poland.
Paul was President of Trans Europe Halles (European network of independent cultural centres) from 1999-2007, an assessor for the European Commission Culture Programme 2007-13, has been a board member of six arts and culture organisations and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. After studying film and theatre at University, Paul started his professional career as a comedy actor and part-time DJ. Realising he could not act (and was not that funny), he quickly moved into theatre management and finance.
After managing two theatre companies, a Polish theatre company (while living in Poland under martial law), a London Theatre and then producing commercial shows in London’s ‘West End’ theatre, in 1989 Paul became the director of The Junction in Cambridge, the first purpose-built arts centre focused on youth culture in the UK. Paul opened the Junction, developed its multidisciplinary music, theatre, dance, new media and education programmes, produced three international festivals, the world’s first digital mural and built a new, €10 million theatre in 2005.
Paul lives in Cambridge, drives a 45-year-old Morris Minor car, has no hobbies but still sometimes DJ’s!
warsztat polecany przez: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki
Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi Tymienieckiego 3
90-365 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 646 88 65
fax: +48 42 207 35 79
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90-365 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 646 88 65
fax: +48 42 207 35 79
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