English version
Wersja polska

16.05.2014 (piątek)
godz. 10:30-18:00/18:30 (przerwa w godz. 14:00-16:00)
udział w warsztatach bezpłatny
ilość miejsc ograniczona - obowiązuje wcześniejsza rejestracja (decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń)

UWAGA: warsztat prowadzony w języku angielskim - organizator nie zapewnia tłumaczenia


The traditional view of the relationship between business and the arts is very much a one-way affair: organizations may endorse, fund or publicize the arts but the arts have nothing to offer from a business perspective. This workshop will explore how culture organizations can engage businesses in order to help them to face their current main competitive challenges. Culture organizations and artists have the opportunity to extend their traditional ways of working with business and establish new partnerships with mutual benefits for culture and business. The fundamental idea is that the arts represent a powerful means by which management can enhance organizational value creation capacity and boost business performance. In the forms of Arts-Based Initiatives (ABIs), the arts can be employed and deployed for developing workforce and organizational infrastructure that can drive in turn superior value creation. The workshop will help to understand the strategic relevance and contribution that the arts can offer for the development of twenty-first century organizations and how practically artists and culture organizations can define brief and value propositions of interest for business.

słowa kluczowe/keywords: value of arts for business; funding for culture through collaboration with business; transformation; tarining and development
Nowe umiejętności/benefits:
- understanding the role of the arts for business;
- explaing the impact and benefits of culture withing organisations;
- develop arts-based proposals for business;
- understand how to engage business in developing win-win collaborative projects


Giovanni Schiuma
is Professor of Arts Based Management and Director of the Innovation Insights Hub at University of the Arts London. As a high international academic he is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in the arts in business and strategic knowledge management. Inspiring communicator and facilitator, with extensive research management expertise and excellent ability to coordinate complex projects and lead research teams. Creative and innovative, with international mind-set and openness to address and solve key strategic research and organisational challenges. Giovanni is widely renowned for his work on the use of the arts for business, as well as his work on assessing and managing knowledge assets. His recent book “The Value of Arts for Business” by Cambridge University Press is regarded as a seminal text on how the arts, in the form of Arts-based Initiatives (ABIs), can transform business models.

warsztat polecany przez: Art_Inkubator w Fabryce Sztuki

Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi Tymienieckiego 3
90-365 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 646 88 65
fax: +48 42 207 35 79

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