English version
Wersja polska

15.05.2014 (czwartek)
godz. 10:30-14:30
udział w warsztatach bezpłatny
ilość miejsc ograniczona - obowiązuje wcześniejsza rejestracja (decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń)

UWAGA: warsztat prowadzony w języku angielskim - organizator nie zapewnia tłumaczenia


Beyond numbers: a practical workshop on research and evaluation in the cultural sector. This workshop will focus on research and evaluation and the way we can use it to inform our work. It will look at the key differences between evaluation and research and show how it can be valuable in affecting how we run our events and approach audiences. It will focus especially on the research which The Audience Agency is doing in the outdoor arts sector with festivals, companies and events organisers. This will also be a practical and participative workshop and attenders are encouraged to bring their own examples and practices to share at the session.
słowa kluczowe: audience development, marketing, communications, research, evaluation, festivals, Europe, England


Jonathan Goodacre is Regional Director, East, of The Audience Agency. His particular interests include outdoor arts, international cooperation projects, cultural tourism, evaluation and community participation. He was co-author of ‘Turning the Tide’ (Momentum 2007) and contributed chapters on marketing and evaluation for ‘Sustaining Cultural Development’ (Gower, UK 2013). He also works on the Pedagogic Team of the European Diploma for Cultural Project Management run by Association Marcel Hicter. Previously, he has worked for organisations such as the Arts Marketing Association, Metis Arts, Anglia Ruskin University, Hoipolloi Theatre, Cambridge Junction and Eastern Touring Agency.
At The Audience Agency, Jonathan is leading on Adeste, a European Union funded project, which is researching and setting standards in audience development across the arts, heritage and cultural sectors in Europe. During 2013, he worked with over 25 festivals, companies and events organisers as part of the Audience Finder Outdoor Arts Sector Cluster in England. This is the largest research project undertaken in the outdoor arts will continue in 2014 and 2015. Other recent projects include producing the evaluation toolkit for Imperial War Museums’ First World War Centenary Partnership and an audience development plan for the Cambridge University Museum of Zoology.

warsztat polecany przez: British Council & Fundacja IMPACT

Fabryka Sztuki w Łodzi Tymienieckiego 3
90-365 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 646 88 65
fax: +48 42 207 35 79

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