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Wersja polska

venue: Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki, Tymienieckiego 3

During the fifth edition of International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2016 - Theatre marked by music, CHOREA Theatre invites to celebrate music in theatre and everything what builds joy and energy in reference to various musical and theatre traditions. On the axis of three elements which always create our festival - WORD - MOVEMENT - MUSIC, this year's edition is focused on theatres in which music is the landmark and an organic, living bridge between word and movement. This time music is the main material and a code to interpret each performance.
Within four days of our festival (25-28 August 2016) we want to present exceptional achievements in terms of both - theater and music. This is the first opportunity to present in Poland such outstanding artists as: Incubator Theatre form Israel with hip-hop opera 'The City', brilliant Iberian Percussion Orchestra COETUS from Spain with vivid concert and workshops, performance 'HUG' form United Kingdom created by Verity Standen - an immersive choral sound bath, trans-dance performance "Idiot-Syncrasy" created by awarded duet Igor&Moreno form London. We will host one of the greatest and most famous balkan musician - Theodosii Spassov, who will present his ethno-jazz trio concert 'Project PULSE' along with amazing musicians: Dimitar Bodurov form Bulgaria and Sandip Bhattacharya form India. Spassov will also be a special guest performing in a concert of traditional bulgarian music with The Great Choir of Young CHOREA. We also invited the most important musical group of traditional Georgian polyphonic singing - Ensemble SAKHIOBA, which will both perform and lead amazing workshops.

Among Polish artists we will host: the legendary alternative musical formation "The Cormorants" with their premiere concert 'Excluded', performance 'The Sigh of Jonah' directed by Pawel Passini form neTTheatre, performance 'The Crack' - the latest work of CHOREA Theatre, //Error404// - premiere performance of TAKE OVER - a group of youth, working under the guidance of CHOREA, and a male vocal project 'Songs for the City' created by Mateusz Przylecki and Tomasz Krzyzanowski.

Civilizational, cultural and political changes followed in such a violent way during the last decades. If we want to keep the theater alive in these times, we must adapt to these changes, to their language, we must react to what is happening around us and to protect what is human and fragile. Music is the best tool to do that. Music is a language which we all understand. We want to preserve / create an new-old language of theatre, which can combine what is in front of us, with what is behind us, and what is within us.

Workshops during the day, performances and concerts in the afternoon and in the evening, and at night - crazy open jam sessions - that is what creates International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2016 - Theatre marked by music.

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Art Factory
Tymienieckiego 3
90-365 Lodz, Poland
phone/fax: 48 42 646 88 65

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