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venue: Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki, Tymienieckiego 3

We hope that "Musica Privata" had a chance to root itself in the consciousness of music fans in Lodz and off-the-city. This year we will celebrate the 5th anniversary of our activity. What will change is the location, because this year's edition will becoorganised together with Fabryka Sztuki. What will not change is the idea and approach - during the first weekend in November we will present artists who search and realise, in our opinion, private approach to music.

We will have a chance to hear and see musicians such as Rapoon, Rafal Mazur, Krakow Improvisers Orchestra, Music School Complex Orchestra in Lodz.

Musica Privata @ facebook
TICKETS: https://polakpotrafi.pl/projekt/musica-privata-2016

Friday, 04 November, time 19.00
1. Akpatok – eksperymental/minimal music
2. Ryszard Lubieniecki/Michał Sember/Robert Jędrzejewski Trio – accordion, electric quitar and cello improvisation
3. Aleksander Wnuk - pieces: "Mani. Gonxha" by Pierluigi Billone on tibetan bowls, "Scratch" by Ralf Wallin on balloon and "Homework" by Francois Sarhan
4. Marek Kądziela i Ksawery Wójciński – guitar and double bass duo
5. Ksawery Wójciński i Sławek Janicki – double basses duo
6. Diabubu – folk dancing

Saturday, 05 November
Rafał Mazur - improvisation workshops (from 12/13.00)

time 19.00:
1.Eufonia Pseudolarix – live electronics
2. Benjamin Maneyrol - bass clarinet pieces: Georg Friedrich Haas - "aus freier lust....verbunden", Heinz Holliger - "Contrechant" and Nina Fukuoki "13 3. Kraków Improvisers Orchestra – collective improvisation
4. Ensemble 56 (Rafał Mazur, Mieczysław Górka, Miro Tóth) – bass guitar, percussion and saxophone improvisation
5. Marmolada/Konfitura, something like jam, but not jam (special guest: Adam Webster)

Sunday, 06 November, time 19.00
1. Stanislaw Moniszki's Music School Orchestra and Chorus
- Joseph Haydn's "Stworzenie świata" oratorio - solists: Ewa Spanowska, Paweł Żak, Bartosz Szulc, directors: Mariusz Lewy and Maria Hubluk-Kaszuba
- Artur Zagajewski's "circulatio" on 2 accordions and orchestra, solists - Leszek Kołodziejski, Eneasz Kubit
- "Man And Dog Play Cat Music" by Tomasz Wiracki, symphonic orchestra with a dog
2. Ola Kozioł i Suavas Lewy – "18 rzek" audiovisual performance
3. Aviva Endean – videoperformance "A face like yours"
4. Michał Libera – "Możliwe i niemożliwe ścieżki rozwoju subwokalizacji albo minimalne warunki teatru wewnętrznego"
5. X-Navi:Et – electro-acoustic music
6. Rapoon – electro-acoustic music

available just before and during the event in Art_Inkubator.

1 chosen day – 35 PLN / 30 PLN (discount)
2 chosen days – 70 PLN / 60 PLN (discount)
3 chosen days – 90 PLN / 80 PLN (discount)

Discount: students, pensioners.

Art Factory
Tymienieckiego 3
90-365 Lodz, Poland
phone/fax: 48 42 646 88 65

::: more information

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